As an Alibaba Cloud Ambassador, you can earn money by participating in Alibaba Cloud's proxy sales program. The Alibaba Cloud proxy sales program is a project that allows you to act as an agent to sell Alibaba Cloud servers. You can recommend Alibaba Cloud's ECS servers to customers through your own network channels or your own website. After the customer purchases it, you can earn a corresponding referral commission.
Alibaba Cloud DTS is the abbreviation of Data Transmission Service. The Alibaba Cloud DTS proxy sales program is another proxy sales program launched by Alibaba Cloud. As an Alibaba Cloud Ambassador, you can recommend and sell Alibaba Cloud DTS services through the Alibaba Cloud DTS proxy sales program to earn corresponding proxy commissions.
As an Alibaba Cloud Ambassador, you can also participate in Alibaba Cloud's related activities and win bonuses and prizes. For example, at the Alibaba Cloud Summit, Alibaba Cloud invites Alibaba Cloud Ambassadors to give speeches and share, and also sets up various bonuses and prizes, such as the Technology Guru Award and the Most Valuable Ambassador Award, which you can participate in and be rewarded as an Alibaba Cloud Ambassador.
Alibaba Cloud Ambassador is an innovative program that can make money. By participating in Alibaba Cloud's proxy sales program and DTS proxy sales program, promoting Alibaba Cloud's products and solutions, and becoming an ambassador for Alibaba Cloud, you can receive corresponding promotion commissions during the promotion process. In addition, you can also participate in Alibaba Cloud's related activities and receive generous bonuses and prizes. As an Alibaba Cloud Ambassador, you can not only improve your technical skills and visibility, but also achieve your own earning plan.