

服务器知识 0 558

中文标题: BGP线路是什么意思?

BGP线路是指基于BGP协议的互联网服务提供商(ISP)之间的互联互通链路,这种链路通常用于承载大量流量和保证高可靠性和快速传输速度。BGP是Border Gateway Protocol(边界网关协议)的缩写,它是一种TCP/IP协议,用于互联网中路由选择。



BGP协议是互联网核心路由协议, 由于其高度开放和灵活性,大量优秀的系统和应用能够集成BGP协议,使BGP线路成为国际间承载流量的主干路由协议之一。在国际互联网上,BGP协议的路由选择能力被广泛使用,帮助ISP将用户流量发送到目标IP地址。

英文标题: What is BGP circuit?

BGP circuit refers to the interconnection link between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) based on the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) protocol. This type of circuit is typically used to carry a large amount of traffic and ensure high reliability and fast transmission speed.

BGP is a TCP/IP protocol used for routing selection in the internet. BGP circuits enable interconnectivity between different ISPs, allowing for data transmission between different networks. ISPs usually connect to each other through dedicated connections or internet exchange points (IXPs) to form BGP circuits. Typically, an ISP will have multiple BGP circuits to carry traffic from their respective users, ensuring network high availability and rapid response.

BGP protocol is a core routing protocol for the internet. Due to its high openness and flexibility, a large number of excellent systems and applications can be integrated with the BGP protocol, making BGP circuits one of the backbone routing protocols for carrying traffic across international borders. BGP's routing selection capability is widely used on the international internet to help ISPs send user traffic to its destination IP address.

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