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Traceroute Command

Traceroute command is a network tool used to check the route of packets in a network. It can help diagnose network issues and determine the source of the problem. Traceroute command can run on different operating systems such as Windows and Linux. In this article, we will learn about the basic workings of traceroute command and how to use it to solve network problems.

How it Works

Traceroute command is based on Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Internet Protocol (IP). When a network packet is sent from one computer to another computer, it travels through multiple routers and multiple network transmission media. Each router will decide the next step of the packet according to the rules in its routing table and forward it to the destination address. Traceroute command simulates sending a packet and records the address of each router that it passes through. Through this process, we can determine whether the packet took the correct path and which router is causing the problem.

Using Traceroute Command

Traceroute command can be launched by entering "tracert (Windows)" or "traceroute (Linux)" in the command line. Then, you need to enter the target IP address or hostname. Traceroute command will simulate sending a packet and return the IP address of each router and each router's response time. On Windows, you can use the "-d" option to turn off DNS resolution and speed up the tracing process since DNS resolution takes time. If you find a problem with a router after tracing is complete, you can try using the "ping" command to test if the router is responsive. If it does not respond, the router may be dead or there may be a problem in the network.

Common Problems

When using traceroute command, there may be some errors, the most common of which is that the router does not respond. This may be because the router is blocked or protected by a firewall. In this case, you can try changing the target port or using other diagnostic tools. Another common problem is that the target hostname cannot be resolved. This may be because you entered the hostname incorrectly or the DNS server cannot resolve the hostname. In this case, you can try to resolve the DNS problem or use an IP address instead of the hostname.


Traceroute command is a very useful network tool that can help you solve network problems. It simulates sending a packet and records the address of each router it passes through to determine whether the packet took the correct path and which router is causing the problem. Although there may be some errors when using traceroute command, they can usually be solved by changing settings or using other tools. By mastering the use of the traceroute command, you can gain a better understanding of how the network works and quickly diagnose and solve network problems.

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若转载请注明出处: 路由跟踪命令
本文地址: https://solustack.com/72499.html



