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Aliyun Free Server for 6 Months

Aliyun is a leading cloud computing provider in China, providing efficient and stable cloud computing services, including cloud servers, cloud databases, cloud storage, and other cloud service products. In recent years, with the rapid development of the cloud computing market, more and more users have chosen cloud servers to host their applications. Aliyun has also actively promoted its free server plan to provide a free server experience and attract more users to try Aliyun’s cloud computing services.

Content of Aliyun Free Server Plan

The Aliyun free server plan is mainly divided into two stages. First-time registered users can get a 1-core, 2G, 1M bandwidth ECS cloud server, and the free usage period is 6 months, which can be closed or renewed by paying after the expiration. In the second stage, after you have opened other Aliyun payment products (excluding Aliyun vouchers), you can get a 1-core, 1G, 1M bandwidth ECS cloud server, and the free usage period is 12 months. At the same time, the Aliyun free server plan can choose to upgrade the server configuration during the free period, such as storage upgrade, bandwidth upgrade, and other services, allowing users to choose the usage method more freely.

How to Use Aliyun Free Server

To use the Aliyun free server, you need to first register an Aliyun account. After the registration is completed, enter the Aliyun official website and click "Products and Services"-"Computing"-"Cloud Server"-“Buy now". On the purchase page, select the free server plan, then select the server region, mirror image, purchase quantity, and other related service configurations, and finally confirm the purchase to obtain the eligibility to use the free server.

Applicable Scenarios

The Aliyun free server plan is suitable for personal users, start-ups, development, testing, learning, and other scenarios, but not suitable for large-scale enterprise-level applications or environments with high server performance requirements. At the same time, users should comply with Aliyun's relevant policy regulations to ensure the safe and stable use of the server when using the free server plan.


The Aliyun free server plan provides beginners and start-ups with an opportunity to quickly build cloud servers and a practice opportunity for most users. I hope the above content can help you understand the Aliyun free server plan. If you have not started to try cloud computing, then quickly register an Aliyun account and start a new chapter in the era of cloud computing!

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若转载请注明出处: 阿里云免费服务器六个月
本文地址: https://solustack.com/71451.html



