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  • 1、翻译歌词
  • 2、球将两个单词用横线连在一起的语法规则
  • 3、拳霸1盗佛线的片尾曲叫什么名字?
  • 4、用英语简概红与黑的内容


I've been tryna figure out a way of what I wanna say 我一直尝试找出一种方式来说出我想说的

But everytime I'm about to say it, my pride just gets in the way 但每当我要说出,我的自尊心就阻碍我

But tonight that aint' the case, I came to say what I wanna say但今晚不管什么情况,我都要说出我想说的

My mind can think whatever, I promise I won't obey不论我的思维能想到什么,我保证我不会服从

I've been fighting through the stress, tryna get if off my chest我一直在同压力抗争,尝试一吐为快

But I guess, you're the only who truly knows me best 但我猜,你是唯一也是最能真正了解我的人

And we fighting every other day, but now it's nothing new我们每天都在抗争,但现在一切了无新意

It's another typical day of the life of me and you这是生命中我和你之间特有的一天

Some things you just can't fix, that's the way it gotta be 有些东西你就不能修复,这是它存在的方式

So I put the blame on you, then you bring it back on me所以我对你的责备,你会同样再返还给我

Don't you see that we throwing these problems up in a circle? 难道你没有看到我们把这些问题变成一种恶性循环了吗?

And if we continue with it, our love will never go further如果我们这样继续下去,我们的爱将不可能走得更远

It's the truth babygirl, don't act like you don't know这就是真理,我亲爱的女孩,不要表现出不知道的样子

Everybody else does, we easily let it show每个人都明白,我们只是让它表现出来

We holding on to something that we will know never last 我们抱着一种信念,不到最后我们将永远不会知道结局

So maybe we should call it quits and just leave it in the past, what you think... 因此,也许我们应该放弃它,只让它留在过去,你又怎么想呢...


Been here for a while, feels like I'm stuck now 在这里已经有一段时间,感觉就像我现在被困住了

This is the reason why I didn't wanna settle down 这就是为什么我不想安定下来的原因

I know I love you, but love is so complicated 我知道我爱你,但爱是如此复杂

And now were both debating on something that love created 而且我们现在会在一些因爱而生的东西上不停争论

But it's so hard when you fall in love at such an early age但在这么早的年龄爱上将会面临艰难

Different girl, same story, you're just scared to turn the page不同的女孩,同样的故事,你只是害怕翻开新的一页

So I break into a rage, fresh up outta the cage 所以我暴跳如雷,想呼吸笼外的新鲜空气

I can't even look at you, I got nothing else to say我甚至不能看着你,我也没有什么别的可说

You begging me to speak for at least 5 minutes 你求我多说一点,哪怕至少5分钟

40 minutes go by and we still ain't even finished40分钟到了,我们仍旧没有完成

What the hell do I do? To finally prove to you 我究竟在做什么?终于证明给你

That there ain't another man that will love you like I do有没有另外一个人,将像我这样爱你

You say you found another; I say I found another too你说你发现了另一个这样的人,我说我也发现了

But we both know deep inside that's not really true但我们都知道内心深处,这不是真的

It's only me and you, and nothing will come between us这只是我和你,我们之间没有任何阻碍

So if it's really love, I just hope we really mean it所以,如果这是真的爱,我只希望我们能拥有真心


I try to hold in my tears, but I just cannot do it我尝试抑制我的眼泪,但我不能

I know you ain't worth it, but I am about to lose it我知道你不值得爱,但我也将失去它

Wait, what am I saying?! Cus baby you are worth it等一下,我在说什么?!宝贝,你是值得的

And people call us crazy but we like to call it perfect 人们说我们疯狂,但我们喜欢称之为完美

One second I wanna kiss you, the other, I wanna hit you 这一秒钟,我要亲吻你,下一秒,我想打你

Lying, cheating, fighting, what couple don't got issues?说谎,欺骗,打架,什么是夫妇间不存在的问题?

I'm about to snap, and like magnets we attract突然地,我们像磁铁彼此吸引

But no matter how bad, we just keep on coming back 但是,无论情况多坏,我们还是会回来

I promise that I've changed,我承诺我会改变

I promise I'm not the same 我承诺我将不同

I can promise this that and that,我能保证这些,那些

But I know that I'll never change但我知道,我永远不会改变

I can't get away, I'm addicted to the pain我无法脱身,我沉迷于痛苦

You always made sure, I'll never fall in love again你总是相信,我永远不会再次坠入爱河

You're the pieces to my puzzle, you complete me so it seems 你是我的拼图,你将我成就为如此

It was never my intention to smother you in my needs在我需要时扼杀你,这永远不可能是我的打算

The moral of the story, is I hope you understand 这个故事的寓意,是我希望你明白

There' ain't another man that will love you like I can不会另有一个男人,像我这样爱你





A:词根单独构成词:如汉语的“人、马、牛、跑、跳、红、黄……玻璃、彷徨……”,英语的book, word, work, world, ball……这种类型的词人们称为单纯词。

B:词根+词根:如汉语的“黑板、火车、电脑、纸张、详细、消化、脸盆……”,英语的blackbord(黑板), railway(铁路), football(足球), wifehouse(家庭主妇)……。用这种规则构成的词人们称为复合词,而这种构词的方法称为词根复合法,或复合词构词法。

C1:前缀+词根:如汉语的“老张、老虎、阿三、第一……”,其中的“老、阿、第”在这些词中都是作前缀用的。这种词汉语中不多。和汉语不同,英语中这类词是大量的,如un-able”(不能)、“en-large”(使扩大)、im-possible(不可能的),dis-appear(消失)、pro-nounce(发音)、re-spect(尊敬)中的un-, en-, im-, dis-, pro-, re-等都是前缀。英语中这类前缀约有一百五十余个,它们与词根相结合构成了大量的语词。

C2:词根+后缀:如汉语的“椅子、小刀儿、石头、读者……”,其中的“子、儿、头、者”在这里都作后缀用。这一类词在汉语中也很少。英语等西方语言这一类词是大量的,例如read-er(读者),voice-less(无声的),liber-al(自由的),leng-th(长度),elocu-tion(雄辩术,朗诵法)中的-er, -less, -al, -th, -tion等都是后缀。英语中这类后缀约有一百三十余个,它们与词根相结合也构成了大量的语词。





air conditioner空调机air raid空龚

alarm clock闹钟arms race军备竞赛

assembly line装配线baby-sitter看孩子的人

bank account银行帐户birth control节制生育

blood donor献血者blood pressure血压

book case书柜bookmark书签

brain drain人才流失burglar alarm防盗警报器

bus stop公共汽车站can opener开罐器

car park停车场contact lens隐形眼镜

corporal punishment体罚cotton wool药棉

credit card信用卡death penalty死刑

estate agent地产经纪人fancy dress(ball)化装舞会

generation gap代沟greenhouse effect温室效应

health center医疗中心heart attack心脏病发作

heart failure心国衰竭hire purchase分期付款

income tax所得税labour force劳动力

labour market劳动市场letter-box信箱

mail order邮购定单mineral water矿泉水

mother-tongue母语nail varnish指甲油

news bulletin新闻公报package holiday一缆子度假计划

pen friedn笔友pocket money零用钱

police station警察分局post office邮局

sign language手语soda water苏打水、汽水

sound barrier音障table tennis乒乓球

tea bag袋泡茶tea-table茶几

telephone number电话号码toilet-paper卫生纸

unemployment benefit失业救济金welfare state福利国家

X-ray X光youth hostel青年旅舍

central bank中央银行civil rights公民权力

compact disc激光唱盘current affairs时事

dry cleaning干洗fast food快餐

first-aid急救French fries炸薯条

general knowledge人所共知的事general public公众

higher education高等教育high heels高跟(鞋)

high jump跳高high school中学

human being人human rights人权

industrial relations劳资关系modern languages现代语言

musical instrument乐器natural history自然历史

natural resources自然资源nervous breakdown神经失常

old age老年old hand老手

open air露天open letter公开信

personal computer个人电脑polar bear白熊,北极熊

public sector公营部门remote control遥控

social security社会保险social services社会服务(事业)

social studies社会研究social work(er)社会工作(者)

solar system太阳系stainless steel不锈钢

vocal cord声带yellow pages (电话簿)黄页部分

anti-government(反政府);auto-intoxication(自我迷醉);bilateral(双边的);coexistence(共存);counter-argument (反建议);de-emphasize(不强调);ex-president(前任会长);international(国际间的);monolingual(单语的);post-war (战后的);precaution(预先防备);pro-China(支持中国); re-state(重述);subhuman(低于人类的);superimpose(加在上面);trans-atlantic(横跨大西洋的);triangle(三角); ultra-smart(超能的)。



名词+名词: football足球

名词+动词: snowfall 下雪

名词+动词-ing : horse-riding骑马

名词+介词+名词: daughter-in-law儿媳

动词-ing+名词: waiting-room候车室

形容词+名词: greenhouse温室

副词+名词: income收入

介词+名词: afternoon下午

过去分词+副词: grown-up成年人


名词+动词: water-cool用水冷却

形容词+动词: quick-charge快速充电

副词+动词: outact行动上胜过


名词+形容词: world-famous世界文明的

名词+动词-ing : peace-loving热爱和平的

名词+过去分词: heart-broken伤心的

动词+副词: takeaway外卖的

形容词+名词: long-distance长途的

形容词+形容词: dark-blue深蓝色的

形容词+过去分词: new-born新出生的

副词+形容词: color-blind色盲的

副词+动词-ing : hard-working勤劳的

副词+过去分词: well-known著名的

数词+名词: first-class头等的

数词+名词+形容词: ten-year-old十岁大的

数词+名词+ed : three-cornered三角的

介词+名词: indoor 室内的



1. 含有分词的复合形容词



●Australia is a country which speaks English. (country 由定语从句修饰)


Australia is a country speaking English. (country 由现在分词短语修饰)

Australia is an English-speaking country. (country 由复合形容词修饰)

以上三个句子中,我们分别用了三种不同的方法修饰country,三种不同的修饰语与country的逻辑关系都是country speaks English,因为country是动作speak的发出者,按照修饰动作发出者用现在分词的原则,合成词应该使用English-speaking。然而短语spoken English (英语口语)是不同的,这个短语中被修饰词English是动作speak的承受者,因此,用过去分词spoken, 以上两种不同的逻辑关系必须分清。


●earthshaking changes = changes which shake the earth

翻天覆地的变化(changes 是动作shake的发出者)

UN peacekeeping forces=forces which keep peace

联合国维和部队(forces 是动作keep的发出者)

record-breaking destroy=destroy which breaks record 破记录的毁坏

peace-loving people= people who love peace爱好和平的

epoch-making decision=decision which makes epoch开新纪元的/划时代的决策

fine-sounding words=words which sound fine 甜言蜜语

soft-feeling materials=materials which feel soft 手感柔软的面料

good-looking gentleman=gentleman who looks good 仪表堂堂的男士

hard-working students=students who study hard刻苦读书的学生

far-reaching influence=influence which reaches far广泛深远的影响

easygoing person=person who goes easy 随和容易相处的人

well-being children=children who are well 健康的孩子

state-owned enterprises=enterprises which are owned by state国有企业

hand-made goods=goods which were made by hand 手工制品

heart-felt thanks=thanks which are felt by heart 衷心的感谢

fast-developing industry=industry which develops fast 高速发展的产业

highly-developed countries=countries have developed highly 高度发达的国家

newly-arrived visitors=visitors who have arrived newly 刚刚抵达的参观者

well-known university=university which is known very well著名的大学

ready-made clothes=clothes which are made and ready to be used做好的, 现成的衣服

self-employed person=person who is employed by oneself非受雇于人的,从事个体职业的人

snow-covered fields=feilds which are covered by snow白雪覆盖的田野

newly-built airport=airport which is built newly新建的飞机场


① 准确了解及物动词的分词与所修饰的名词关系,修饰动作发出者用现在分词表示主动,修饰动作承受者用过去分词表示被动。

② 准确了解不及物动词的所用时态,用现在分词表示主动含义或动作正在进行,用过去分词表示动作业已完成。

2. 含有动名词的复合形容词

sleeping- pills安眠药 = pills which are for sleeping

waiting-room候车/机/诊室; = room which is used for waiting

reading-room 阅览室 = room which is used for reading

以上例子中,我们可以看到,所有的sleeping, waiting, reading都是介词for的宾语,因此我们将这样的词称为动名词。


许多日常用作定语的复合形容词中是以名词作为中心词而构成的,当作定语的名词是所修饰名词的组成部分时, 复合形容词自身的名词后要加上ed来构成形容词。


a warm-hearted man=a man with a warm heart 一个热心肠的人

(heart 是man的器官之一,为组成部分)


cold-blooded animals=animals with cold blood 冷血动物

a long-haired girl=a girl with long hair一个长发女孩儿

a single-armed general=a general with one arm一位独臂将军

a right-minded person=a person with right mind 有正义感的人

a left-handed person=a person who is used to the left hand 惯用左手的人

a toffee-nosed person=a person with a toffee nose 趾高气扬的人

a two bed roomed flat=a flat with two bedrooms一套两居室的公寓

a three-legged chair=a chair with three legs. 一把三条腿的椅子

注意:不可以使用名词复数担当定语, 不可以说a three-legs chair。

4. 含有名词抽象形式的复合形容词



●100% cotton shirt 全棉衬衣 (cotton 是shirt的原材料,不能加ed)

a 400-word composition 一篇四百字的文章(word看作是composition的原材料,而不是组成部分,因此不能加ed)

●child readings, 儿童读物 child seat(儿童座位)child workers (童工)


8-year-old boy=boy of 8 years old 一个八岁的孩子

(years在构成复合形容词后,应使用其抽象形式 year )

●duty-free goods=goods which are free of duty免税商品

●rag-and-bone man 旧货商,toe-to-toe硬碰硬地,针尖对麦芒地,针锋相对地,long-term 长期的, open-air 户外的


II. 复合名词



earthworm蚯蚓;earthquake地震;shorthand(速记);double-dealer (言行不一的人);break-water(防波堤);pick-pocket扒手;pickup 皮卡,小货车;sun-bathing日光浴;get-together集会;break-through(突破);a cross-roads一个十字路口;go-between 媒人,中间人;by-product副产品;touch-me-not含羞草;takeaway(外卖);make-up(化妆品);look-on(旁观者);lookout(哨所);software软件,hardware硬件,hardboard硬盘,keyboard键盘,website网站;network网络;homesick思乡;breakthrough突破;take-off起飞;sightseeing观光; right-wing右翼;laptop笔记本电脑,palmtop掌上电脑。


拳霸1盗佛线的片尾曲叫:Je Reste Ghett

歌名:Je Reste Ghett






Hello hello everybody yo def 2 def

Still standing, JK Jones stand

Tragdie Reed the weed yo, yo


I can see now the last straw

Put me through that crap for nothing (for nothing)

Had me looking out the back door

Ask your friends their opinion

Something I don't need

If it's not alive, it won't bleed

You and I tried, but it died

Even at slow speeds

I was licking both knees

Sticking to you closely

You speak like

You know me, but if you knew me

You wouldn't do this to me

You're one and only (only)

The caged tiger

Waiting for the next wave to ride higher

Higher, flier, fight your fire,

With a liver wire

Desire is nothing anymore

Stop your attempt at high-note vents

Voodoo spells of lock-jaw

Because you got raw

The facts lead to the mystery you can't see

Or choose not do

About to run free,

It's just me.


Oh yeah!


Parles et critiques c'que je suis, je reste ghetto !

Dis ce que tu veux de ma vie, je reste ghetto !

Mprise ma russite, je reste ghetto !

Je sais ce que je vaux, je mche pas mes mots

Si la technique c'est l'attaque, je suis ok !

Si tu veux croiser le mic, je suis op !

Si tu veux un jour un clash, je suis ready!

Viens l j'suis pret, viens donc batailler

Avant je baissais les yeux tu critiquais ma vie (oh!)

Je n'tais rien, je n'avais rien tel taient tes dires !(yeah, yeah!)

Aujourd'hui que c'est bon que je n'tourne plus en rond

Tu retournes les attaques jaloux tu me condamnes!

J'ai appris garder mon calme mais c'en est trop

A me tape quand tu me regardes de haut

A me boxe quand je sais ce que tu vaux

Dis-moi en face ce que tu penses s'il le faut


Tu n'es pas de chez moi et tu joues ca

Je ne veux aucun mal ne me juge pas

Je t'avais prvenu ne m'acclre pas

Matrise tous tes mots et n'en fais pas trop

J'ai appel ceux qui me connaissaient bien avant

Je voulais seulement savoir s'il y avait des changements

Ils m'ont dit que je n'avais en aucun cas chang

Que je restais le meme et que je m'en sortais



Tragdie, reed the weed, yo

No more brain-games

Saying the same name

Over and it's not mine

Some other clown on top of your spine

I don't have time

I don't need the hassle

You lose, the queen is getting

Kicked out of the castle

It's just a couple of words

So I'll never forget

I left you already

But you haven't heard me yet


J'ai pas oubli d'o je viens

Je sais o est mon chemin

J'ai pris en main mon destin

J'ai ce qu'il me faut oh oh!


Oh yeah !

Reed the weed (reed 2 weed)

Silky Sha,(uh) Tizy Bone

Tragdie, ouh yeah!

Scroll Concept

Def 2 def

Oh yeah!

Did this with favor :d


如果简单讲就是:It chronicles the attempts of a provincial young man to rise socially beyond his modest upbringing through a combination of talent, hard work, deception, and hypocrisy—yet who ultimately allows his passions to betray him.


Book I presents Julien Sorel, the ambitious son of a carpenter in the fictional village of Verrières, in Franche-Comté, France. He would rather read and daydream about the glory days of Napoleon's long-disbanded army than work his father’s timber business with his brothers, who beat him for his intellectualaffectations. He becomes an acolyte of the abbé Chélan, the local Catholic prelate, who later secures him a job tutoring the children of Monsieur de Rênal, the mayor of Verrières. Although he appears to be a pious, austere cleric, Julien is uninterested in the Bible beyond its literary value and how he can use memorised passages (learnt in Latin) to impress important people.

He enters a love affair with Monsieur de Rênal’s wife, which ends when it is revealed to the village by her chambermaid, Elisa, who is also in love with Julien. The abbé Chélan orders Julien to a seminary in Besançon, which he finds intellectually stifling and pervaded with social cliques. The initially cynical seminary director, the abbé Pirard (a Jansenist even more hated than Jesuits within the diocese), likes Julien and becomes his protector. Disgusted by the Church’s political machinations, the abbé Pirard leaves the seminary, first rescuing Julien from the persecution he would have suffered as his protégé, by recommending him as private secretary to the diplomat Marquis de la Mole, a Roman Catholic legitimist.

Book II takes place in the years leading up to the July Revolution of 1830. During this time Julien Sorel lives in Paris as an employee of the de la Mole family. Despite his moving among high society and his intellectual talents, the family and their friends condescend to Julien for being an uncouth plebeian. Meanwhile, Julien is acutely aware of the materialism and hypocrisy that permeate the Parisian élite, and that the counter-revolutionary temper of the time renders it impossible for even well-born men of superior intellect and æsthetic sensibility to participate in the nation's public affairs.

The Marquis de la Mole takes Julien to a secret meeting, then despatches him on a dangerous mission to communicate a letter (Julien has it memorised) to the Duc d'Angouleme, who is exiled in England; however, the callow Julien is mentally distracted by an unsatisfying love affair, and thus only learns the message by rote, missing its political significance as a legitimist plot. Unwittingly, he risks his life in service to the right-wing monarchists he most opposes; to himself, he rationalises these actions as merely helping the Marquis, his employer, whom he respects.

Meanwhile, the Marquis’s bored daughter, Mathilde de la Mole, has become emotionally torn between her romantic attraction to Julien, for his admirable personal and intellectual qualities, and her social repugnance at becoming sexually intimate with a lower-class man. At first, he finds her unattractive, but his interest is piqued by her attentions and the admiration she inspires in others; twice, she seduces and rejects him, leaving him in a miasma of despair, self-doubt, and happiness (for having won her over her aristocratic suitors). Only during his secret mission does he gain the key to winning her affections: a cynical jeu d’amour (game of love) taught to him by Prince Korasoff, a Russian man-of-the-world. At great emotional cost, Julien feigns indifference to Mathilde, provoking her jealousy with a sheaf of love-letters meant to woo Madame de Fervaques, a widow in the social circle of the de la Mole family. Consequently, Mathilde sincerely falls in love with Julien, eventually revealing to him that she carries his child; despite this, whilst he is on diplomatic mission in England, she becomes officially engaged to Monsieur de Croisenois, an amiable, rich young man, heir to a duchy.

Learning of Julien’s romantic liaison with Mathilde, the Marquis de la Mole is angered, but relents before her determination and his affection for Julien, and bestows upon Julien an income-producing property attached to an aristocratic title, and a military commission in the army. Although ready to bless their marriage, he changes his mind after receiving the reply to a character-reference-letter he wrote to the abbé Chélan, Julien’s previous employer in the village of Verrières; the reply letter, written by Madame de Rênal—at the urging of her confessor priest—warns the Marquis that Julien Sorel is a social-climbing cad who preys upon emotionally vulnerable women.

On learning of the Marquis’s disapproval of the marriage, Julien Sorel travels back to Verrières and shoots Madame de Rênal during Mass in the village church; she survives, but Julien is imprisoned and sentenced to death. Mathilde tries to save him by bribing local officials, and Madame de Rênal, still in love with Julien, refuses to testify and asks for his acquittal. Despite this, along with the efforts of priests who have looked after him since his early childhood, Julien Sorel is determined to die because the materialist society of Bourbon Restoration France will not accommodate a low-born man of superior intellect and æsthetic sensibility who possesses neither money nor social connections.

Meanwhile, the presumptive duke, Monsieur de Croisenois, one of the fortunate few of Bourbon France, is killed in a duel fought over a slur upon the honour of Mathilde de la Mole. Her undiminished love for Julien, his imperiously intellectual nature, and its component romantic exhibitionism, render Mathilde’s prison visits to him a duty.

When Julien learns he did not kill Madame de Rênal, his genuine love for her is resurrected—having lain dormant throughout his Parisian time—and she continues to visit him in jail. After he is guillotined, Mathilde de la Mole re-enacts the cherished 16th-century French tale of Queen Margot, who visited her dead lover, Joseph Boniface de La Mole, to kiss the lips of his severed head. She makes a shrine of his tomb in the Italian fashion. Madame de Rênal, more quietly, dies in the arms of her children.




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