- 1、介绍一下WWE(WWF)历史上的亚洲选手
- 2、床上用品有什么牌子的呢
- 3、圆明园、颐和园的英文介绍?
- 4、【高分!】帮忙翻译一下关于“茶”诗歌。
- 5、香山英语导游词2022
选手名:Kong Funaki 舟木初
真实姓名:Shoichi Funaki(船木 胜一)
教练:Animal Hamaguchi,Yohiaki Fujiwara
终结技:The Rising Sun (Tornado DDT)
常用技:Fisherman Buster,Diamond Dust,Inverted DDT,Enziguri Kick
长期对手:Super Delfin,The Great Sasuke,Taka Michinoku,Acolytes,Albert,Spike Dudley
UWA (Universal Wrestling Alliance)中量级冠军(于1997年3月19日获得)
TWA (Texas Wrestling Alliance)冠军(于2000年6月30日获得)
WWE轻量级冠军(于2004年12月12日几击败Spike Dudley获得)
选手名:The Great Khali 巨人卡里
真实姓名:Dalip Singh Rana
家乡:于印度Himachal Pradesh出生,现资产位于旁遮普省。
婚姻状况:已于Harminder Kaur结婚
教练:由All Pro Wrestling训练
曾用角色名:Giant Singh (Japan),Dalip Singh (DSW)
终结技:The Power Bomb
常用招式:The Choke Slam
长期不和:The Undertaker,Tommy Dreamer,Kane,John Cena,Batista,Hornswoggle,Fit Finlay,Big Show
曾获荣誉:WWE世界重量级冠军(2007年7月20日的SmackDown,在一场20人Battle Royal上获得)
WWE官网关于The Great Khali 的个人简介:(作者:黄玉龙)
来自印度,The Great Khali有7尺3的身高和420磅的体重。这个凶残的怪物敢独自穿越充满巨蟒和孟加拉白虎的丛林。Legend(传奇)曾这样形容这个旁遮普的怪物“眼神直盯盯的,世界都为之颤栗。”
The Great Khali在WWE历史上进行过最野蛮的比赛:the Punjabi Prison Match(旁遮普牢笼赛)。他在2007年的No Mercy(PPV毫不仁慈)上显现出了他残忍的本质。
WWE拥有的巨大运动员之一,The Great Khali代表了强大的摧毁力和每一个更衣室里的选手。虽然在WWE时间不长,但是已经拿过一次世界重量级冠军。在回到本土演出时,他被接待的像一个国家英雄一样。
在2008年,这个旁遮普的巨人参加了新电影Get Smart(胡涂侦探)的演出。对于好莱坞来说,Khali并不是新来的,他曾在2005年的The Longest Yard(最长一码)中和Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and Burt Reynolds一起演出
选手名:Jimmy Wang-Yang 吉米 王·杨
真实姓名:James Carson Yun
教练:Paul Orndorff
曾用角色名:Yang (WCW),Jimmy Yang (WCW/TNA/MLW/ROH),Akio (SmackDown),Jimmy Wang Yang
终结技:Yang Time
常用招式:Running Backflip Kick,Michinoku Driver II,Spinning Wheel Kick,Fists of Fury,Perfect Driver,Rope Hung Figure Four Necklock,Cross Armed Iconoclasm,Asai Moonsault,Back to Belly,Piledriver
长期对手:Three Count,Jamie Knoble,Sonny Siaki,Rey Mysterio,PauL London,Sylvan,Tatanka
ames Yun 被称为Yun Yang, Jimmy Yang 或 Akio,他是一位美国职业摔角手,他成名于WCW。目前Jimmy Yang和WWE签署了合同。
在1999年6月,Yun来到了WCW,2000年1月完成了他的首场电视演出,他开始和Jamie-San和Kaz Hayashi在一个叫Jung Dragons的团体里,2000年左右Jamie-San 离开了Jung Dragons,和前3 Count成员Evan Karagias组队双打,HayashiYang和KaragaisJamie-San发生了长期争斗,这个剧情一直维持到WCW破产。2001年3月WCW被WWF收购,Yun在WCW的合同被转让给了当地的摔角发展协会,但是他并不打算加入当时的WWF,而加入了全日本(All Japan Pro Wrestling),之后他作过一些双打组合的成员和次重量级组别的单打选手,在2002年7月他解除与全日本的工作合同去了TNA(Total Nonstop Action Wrestling),他和Sonny Siaki ,Jorge Estrada作为Tajiri的手下而组建了"The Flying Elvis s这个团体。在2003年9月他和WWE签下了为期3年的发展合同,Yun改名为Akio(这个名字来源于日本的一位老柔道选手Mr. Sato)并和日本裔美国籍选手Ryan Sakoda组成一支反派组合Kyo Dai(日语中“兄弟”的谐音),Sakoda被解雇了,但Akio因为Velocity需要低层选手而留下来了,他在轻量级组别待了一段时间并且在Velocity上比赛,他打出了很多令人难忘的经典比赛之中包括他在2005年7月5日和Paul London那场。2005年10月1日纽约曼哈顿酒店Yun亮相于ROH的擂台上,他输给了James Gibson,接下来的第二个晚上,他又输了,这次是Christopher Daniels.Yun(他再次使用Akio的名字)WWE在哥伦布,俄亥俄州巡回演出的时候,他希望再次加入WWE,并且得到了机会,在随后的Heat垫场赛中他输给了Charlie Haas。2006年5月7日,Akio正式和WWE重新签定了合同。
以下为Jimmy Wayne Yang的专访:
1 你什么时候决定进入摔角界的?你怎样开始的?
2 你在Titan Sports时感觉怎么样?
我很喜欢Titan Sports,它让我在一年内变的富有。除了它解雇我之外我没有任何抱怨。
3 你以前的搭档Jamie Knoble来自于Jung Dragons,在WWE表现的很出色,你始终和他有联系吗?
4 WCW有几次因为种族歧视被指控。你认为你曾在WCW中被歧视吗?在你的事业中曾经遭受过歧视吗?
5 你曾经在NWA-TNA工作过。你感觉那个联盟怎样?
6 你当时没有和NWA-TNA签合同,是什么原因呢?
我没有签合同是因为少数几个原因。但最主要的原因是我不希望TNA垄断Jimmy Yang这个名字。我在其他许多地方都使用这个名字。正要签协议时我问了Vince Russo是不是我可以用这个名字,然后他说没门。我知道Vince Russo是Jarrett最好的朋友。我马上就不想签了然后我找了我的律师去看这个合同。
7 Fans们喜欢你做的吗?他们崇拜你吗?
8 请告诉我们一些关于日本的事
9 你在日本有名气吗?
11 同时在日本和美国积极的表演很辛苦吗?比如时差等等很难克服吗?
12你更喜欢puroresu 还是美国方式的摔角?
我在美国和puroresu 我使用同样的摔角方式。
13 你认为All Japan将要和Zero-One合并吗?你想和哪个Zeri-One的人比赛?
实际上我要和KAZ在低级别中较量,下周和其他人较量。其中一次在All Japan,另一次在Zero-One。我不认为它们将要合并,但它们将一起合作。我愿意和所有的人较量。
14 在你结束你摔交生涯前,哪一件事是你梦想完成的?
15 你曾去过德国摔角吗?如果是的话那你最喜欢什么呢,不喜欢什么?
我从没有去过德国,但我最喜欢的摔角手在德国,他是Robbie Brookside。
16 你想对你的德国支持者说些什么吗?
富安娜(FUANNA)水星家纺南极人(Nanjiren)水星(MERCURY)罗莱(LUOLAI)多喜爱(Dohia)南极人(Nanjiren)胜伟恒源祥(hengyuanxiang)大朴(DAPU.COM)无印良品LOVO安睡宝(SOMERELLE)红瑞北极绒(Bejirog)百富帝(byford)博洋(BEYOND)梦洁家纺紫罗兰(Violet)艾薇(AVIVI)雅鹿迪士尼(Disney)雅芳婷(A-Fontane)方若(FANROL)九洲鹿源生活无印良品(MUJI)思侬(SMO)馨而乐(Bravo)定情阁皇庭御品(ROYAL)康尔馨(Canasin)雅鹿·自由自在(YaluFreedom)迎馨雅巢(YACHAO)梦洁宝贝(M·JBABY)居乐依(juleyi)瑾晨百丽丝碧驰(BC)皮尔卡丹(pierre cardin)妲咪呀(Damiya)暖莎(nuansha)云跑兔(yunpaotu)杉杉(FIRS)逸威LEELAND薇尔菲娜辰枫宇萱国际优雅壹佰朴美金帜亦如阁(Yiruge)帝纱曼小绵羊(SHEEP)摩亚宜饰怡家LeandHome涞迪圣心聚纤成罗卡芙(ROYALCOVER)语桐一品皇家JOVE HOME花花公子(PLAYBOY)爱梦莱紫兰玉牧月唯爱品心怡之家贝思羊(BEISIYANG)浪莎艾罗娜圣之花(St.fiore)皮尔 卡丹(pierre cardin)家逸纺艾维(ivykki)优梦佳(youmengjia)网易(NETEASE )芗菲远梦(YOURMOON)南极人+雅棉堂皇我的百分之一维秋兰叙艾维(I-WILL)哈比迈依梦兰(MENGLAN)曼克顿(MANKEDUN)靓绣坊欧莉斯凡寝娇奈尔随梦佳丽斯(Jialisi)巧布万棉盛薇(SHENG WEI)维众凝爱田扬寝饰(TianyangQinshi)麦语(Maiyu)博莱(BOOLAI)宝朵家纺睡寐家纺梦姿秋简宏家纺(JIANHONGJIAFANG)珍禧爱锦芙秀(JEFFSHOW)千丝雪优蒙(YOUMENG)IQogir娜影家纺爱莱欧(AILAIOU)胜盈卡拉曼达(KALAMANDA)莫恩韩博佳佰越发春良家纺(CHUNLIANG HOMETEXTILE)淘京(TAOJING)晶丽莱苏婷仝心童眠纤梦雅爱斯基摩人(ESKIMO)甄谊小确幸仟日红(qianrihong)皮尔卡丹(pierrecardin)恩豪(ENHAO)温佩倪禧愿晶妃卡帝乐鳄鱼(CARTELO)恋绣衾魅缘居彩阳思烨倾梦(QINGMENG)惠茜(huixi)佰贝儿(Babyer)索臻(suo zhen)旭蔷芝柏晶玺绫帛薇布(linbovib)黑伍(HEIWU)安敏诺(Anmino)艾云尚玛可(SAINTMARC)维曼姿锦荔枝忆自然奥鸿(AOHOO)怡莉秀欧派(OPAR)明瑟迎馨舒安娜米雅(MIA)鹏成家纺盛宇圣黛丝奇泰顺安梦云边立奥(LIAO)樱眠校园季云瑾华锦添湘依锦裳坊思存欧雅嘉(OUYAJIA)丝域(SIYU)他她爱(TATALOVE)石竹枕水人家伊仕达(IXTAB)炫恋澳西奴(AUSSINO)贵妮罗曼卡尼茉菲意尔嫚温韵纺(WENYUNFANG)天琴淘艾阁晴月锦岚家纺(JINLAN)茧妃萱之悦(xuanzhiyue)美树.家纺(MS HOME)沐诗羽卡撒天娇(CASABLANCA)唯萨(VENA ROSA)崇悠羽光瑞韩帮瑞(comodo)罗盛凯丽(ROSEN KELY)伊乐儿(YI LE ER JIA FANG)DESIGNERS CHOICE曲梦(QUMENG)奥米拉咕咚咕咚格赞(GEZAN)太湖雪骏仔(Junzai)皛胜妍玉晶柯家纺(JINGKEJIAFANG)龙绡樱花戴维斯(Davies Home)没螨生活枕安娜(zhenanna)香亲乔德家纺(JOES HOME)名天(meetee)波丝米亚萱羽民光(MINGUANG)奢耀(SHEYAO)美家有我妹妹爱雅黛琳格温多琳(GWENDOLINE)贵晨达美妮(DAEIME)千岁兰洛妃家纺玛丽弟弟(MARRY BROTHER)云兮(yunxi)诺秀(NUOXIU)娜依天(NAYITIAN)尚年华(SHANGNIANHUA)佰朵悦达家纺(YUEDA HOME TEXTILE)洁丽雅(Grace)欧莲莱(olianla)Dad’shere钰伊仁羽芯家纺(YUXIN)恋夏简·伦帕高(paco)维尔凯一梦居(A-Dream)丹俪(Denny)欧洛诗(OULUOSHI)婉婈纺(wanlingfang)九十度(JIUSHUDU)圣茂秋知燕(QIUZHIYAN)月语雪姿兰(XueZiLan)度艾妮君梦莱埃迪•蒙托(idee MONTO)巧致生活棉裕家纺(MIANYU HOMETEXTILES)梦味梦依会(MENGYIHUI)唯尔来特蒂丝雨鱼梦(yumeng)欧朵思黛富妮龙敢牧者家居(MUZERD)多品蔻姿(COZZY)OBXO艺浩(YIHAO)iLoves雨绵绵黛兰朵(dailanduo)喜芙妮(SOFTNIE)宜帛诚惠乐美晒晒南方寝饰(southbedding)宁缦富居(FOOJO)品贵(pinGo)大满家纺(Daman)月畔湾(yue pan wan)巢享丽娃(RIWA)米兰名媛储韬家纺如烟欧远卓森(OYZOSEN)淘呼呼听雪楼九格家纺(JIUGEJIAFANG)伊迪梦寐惑家纺(MEIHUO)仲祺雅瑞思满堂馨(Mantangxin)锴灵缘花雨伞(ARNOLD PALMER)德芙欣雨陌爵伦意·欧恋纳(YOLANNA)乐全初美(chumei)科莎米尔·卡尔(Mill·Carl)依蔓草
The Summer Palace(颐和园) The Summer Palace-- Museum of Chinese Gardening Yi He Yuan, or the Summer Palace, is the best-kept existing royal garden in Beijing. With a concentration of the best of ancient buildings as well as styles of gardening, it is a virtual museum of traditional Chinese gardening. The Summer Palace was first named the Garden of Clear Ripples, which was burnt down by the allied forces of Great Britain and France in 1860. Reconstruction started 25 years later and was completed in 1895, and the name was changed to Yiheyuan (Garden of Good Health and Harmony). The design gives prominence to the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The total area is 290 hectares, and the buildings are measured in over 3,000 bays. The Foxiang Tower and Paiyun (Dispursing Clouds) Hall rise majestically on top of the hill. Other structures are scattered in a seemingly random way on the hill to enhance the majesty of the two main buildings. In front of the hill Kunming Lake stretches out like a mirror. There is an atmosphere of imperial dignity and an air of leisure of a garden. It was originally named Qinzheng (Be Diligent in Administration) Hall. The present name came into being during the reign of Emperor Guang Xu. It was used by Empress Dowager Ci Xi and Emperor Guang Xu to give audiences. In 1898 Emperor Guang Xu met Kang You wei, leader of the reformists, in this hall and appointed him a high-ranking court minister. But the reform failed in 100 days because the conservative force was too strong. Grand Opera Tower The imperial theater in the Dehe Garden is the largest of its kind in China today. It is 21 meters high and has three floors. An opening is in the ceiling of the first floor, in which a winch could lower performers and props down onto the first floor. Performers could appear on the three floors at the same time. Leshou (Happy Longevity) Hall The large courtyard was the living quarters of Empress Dowager Ci Xi. The red pillars and gray gabled roof display a unique style of architecture. Long Corridor The 728-meter-long corridor runs from a moon gate in the east to Shizhang Pavilion in the west. All the 273 sections are decorated with more than 8,000 paintings of landscapes, flowers and human figures. It is the longest and most famous corridor in the world. Paintings on the Long Corridor depict a broad range of subject matter such as flowers, birds, trees, rockeries, landscapes and human figures. Emperor Qian Long (1736-1759) sent court painters to sketch scenic spots around West Lake in Hangzhou. They brought back 546 pictures, which they transferred onto the wooden boards between rafters and pillars in the Long Corridor. In the 1960s 14,000 pictures of other subjects were added to the original ones. The selected picture is about Yue Fei's mother tattooing on his back, an episode from Complete Biograghy of Yue Fei, a well-known army general who fought against Jin troops during the Southern Song Dynasty. . The layout of halls and towers on the Longevity Hill suits the terrain and shows both order and variety, as one can see from this aerial photograph. One of the main buildings on the Longevity Hill, it was specially built for Empress Dowager Ci Xi to receive her birthday greetings. Corridors link the main hall to side houses on both sides. Pillars in crimson color and the roof with golden glazed tiles dazzle brightly in sunshine. There used to be a magnificent tower in Tibetan style, called Buddha's Residence Tower, in the Rear Hill area of Summer Palace. It was burnt down by the allied forces of Great Britain and France in 1860 but has been rebuilt in recent years. The Buddha's Residence Tower is surrounded by pagodas. On the left is the Treasurehouse Pagoda of Glazed Tiles built in the 18th century. On the right is a Lamaist pagoda which has been renovated only recently. Foxiang (Buddha Fragrance) Pavilion It stands on a 21-meter-high stone terrace on the sheer front side of the Longevity Hill. It overlooks Kunming Lake in front and Zhihuihai Buddha Hall in the back. Other buildings stretch on either side of it in a neat symmetrical pattern. The tower was burnt down by British and French soldiers in 1860 and a new one was built on the site later. Marble Boat Also known as Qingyanfang, it was made with huge stone blocks in 1755. The 36-meter-long immovable boat has two tiers. It was placed in the lake to symbolize the steadfast rule of the Qing Dynasty. Looking like a rainbow, the 17-Arch Bridge is eight metres wide and 150 metres long and links the East Causeway with the Nanhu Island on Kunming Lake. Bronze Bull Built of marble and white stone, the Jade Belt Bridge has a high arch and is one of the six bridges on the West Shore on Kunming Lake. Inscribed on its back is a "Eulogy of the Golden Bull" written by the Qing Emperor Qianlong in the ancient seal style. Located by the eastern slope of Longevity Hill, it is an imitation of the Garden of Reserved Delight in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. The emperor and empress used to go fishing or enjoy lotus flowers in this garden of the South China style. A phony business street was laid out along the Rear Lake in Summer Palace in the style of a market place along a lake or river in South China. Whenever the emperor and empress went there, the eunuchs would amuse them by acting like shop assistants, hawkers or customers. Yuan Ming Yuan Park (圆明园) Yuan Ming Yuan, before its destruction, was referred to as the "Garden of Gardens", since it was a combination of gardens of different styles, Chinese and Western. Yuan Ming Yuan consisted of three gardens. Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Splendour), Chang Chun Yuan (Garden of Eternal Spring) and Qi Chun Yuan (Garden of Gorgeous Spring). They covered 350 hectares. The best-known Western structures were a fountain, a maze and European palaces, all of a Renaissance style. In a small lake was built a model of Venice. The emperor's apartments were adorned with art treasures of an astonishing richness. The garden was beautified by millions of exotic flowers and trees.
茶烟 [明] 瞿佑
蒙蒙漠漠更霏霏, 淡抹银屏幂讲帷;
石鼎火红诗咏后, 竹炉汤沸客来时;
雪飘僧舍衣初湿, 花落艄船鬓已丝;
惟有庭前双白鹤, 翩然趋避独先知。
咏贡茶 元•林锡翁
蓝素轩遗茶谢之 明•邱云霄
武夷茶 清•陆廷灿
寒食 [宋] 杜小山
寒夜客来茶当酒, 竹炉汤沸火初红;
寻常一样窗前月, 才有梅花便不同。
茶 [宋]梅尧臣
山寺碧溪头, 幽人绿岩畔。
夜火竹声乾, 春瓯茗花乱。
兹无雅趣兼, 薪桂烦燃爨。
茶 [宋]秦观
茶花二首 [宋] 苏辙
茶磨二首 [宋]梅尧臣
楚匠斲山骨,折檀为转脐。 乾坤人力内,日月蚁行迷。
吐雪夸春茗,堆云忆旧溪。 北归唯此急,药臼不须挤。
茶 灶 杨万里
茶灶本笠泽,飞来摘茶国。 堕在武夷山,溪心化为石。
山寺喜道者 至佚名
闰年春过后, 山寺始花开。 还有无心者, 闲寻此境来。
鸟幽声忽断, 茶好味重回。 知住南岩久, 冥心坐绿苔。
晚天雨霁横雌霓 曹冠
晚天雨霁横雌霓。 帘卷一轩月色。 纹簟坐苔茵, 乘兴高歌饮琼液。
翠瓜冷浸冰壶碧。 茶罢风生两腋。 四座沸欢声, 喜我投壶全中的。
夏日闲居 张籍
多病逢迎少, 闲居又一年。 药看辰日合, 茶过卯时煎。
草长睛来地, 虫飞晚后天。 此时幽梦远, 不觉到山边。
临安春雨初霁 陆游(1125-1210)
初饮高桥银峰 郭沫若
徐门石潭谢雨道上作 【北宋】苏轼
簌簌衣巾落枣花, 村南村北响缫车,
牛衣古柳卖黄瓜。 酒困路长惟欲睡,
日高人渴漫思茶, 敲门试问野人家。
回头诗 【清】曹雪芹
莫分茶 【北宋】李清照
病起萧萧两鬓华, 卧看残月上窗纱。 豆蔻连梢煎熟水, 莫分茶。
枕上诗书闲处好, 门前风景雨来佳, 终日向人多酝藉, 木犀花。
竹枝词 【明】袁宏道
雪里山茶取次红, 白头孀妇哭青风。
自从貂虎横行后, 十室金钱九室空。
香山公园文物古迹众多,亭台楼阁散布山林间,被评为“新北京十六景”之一的香山红叶驰名中外,成为京城最浓的秋色,该公园曾获首都文明单位和首批北京市精品公园等荣誉。接下来是我为大家整理的关于香山英语 导游词 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!
Hello, tourists. Welcome to the beautiful Xiangshan Mountain in Beijing. As your guide today, just call me Xiaomu. Today I will take you to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Xiangshan mountain. Let's all follow me. Xiangshan Park is ahead.
Now we come to this place is the east gate of Xiangshan Park. There are two roads for tourists to walk. The one on our left is the way up the mountain, and the one on our right is the way to see the scenic spot. But today we are going to walk on the right side. Now let's follow me. You go straight ahead and come to Xiangshan restaurant. Many people here should know about it, so I won't introduce it. Further ahead is Songlin restaurant. We will have lunch here at noon. Next, we came to the famous Shuangqing villa. Please follow me. Let's see if the chairman's bed here is very interesting, whether it's high on one side and low on the other.
There are so many places to see in Xiangshan, and then it's time for you to move freely. I'd like to tell you what you should pay attention to. First, don't litter and travel in a civilized way. Then when you take the cable car, you must pay attention to safety. Finally, don't rush into dangerous places.
Well, I hope everyone can have a good time!
Xiangshan Park is located in the northwest suburb of Beijing, 28 kilometers southeast of the city center. The highest point is Xianglu peak, 557 meters above sea level, commonly known as guijianchou.
There are two huge stones at the top of Xiangshan Mountain, called Rufeng stone. Its shape is similar to a censer, and there are often clouds around it, such as the curl of cigarettes in the air, so Xiangshan gets its name. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery, scenic spots all over the country, beautiful scenery, rich in natural and wild interest. In autumn, when the Yellow Cotinus coggygris is dressed up, the mountains are all over the place and are in full swing. This is the red leaf of Xiangshan Mountain, which is one of the eight scenic spots in Yanjing. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain in winter is also very charming. When the snow is clear in the early winter, a piece of silver makeup is wrapped in plain clothes, which is particularly enchanting. Xishan Qingxue, one of the eight scenic spots in the old Yanjing, refers to here.
Xiangshan temple, in Xiangshan Park, toad peak north. Built in the 26th year of Jin Dading (1186), it was named dayong'an Temple by Jin Shizong. It is the first of all temples in Xiangshan and one of the 28 sceneries of Jingyi garden. Later, it was burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eight countries. Only stone steps, stone pillars, stone screens and other remains remain. Only the temple's tingfasong still stands. Xianglu peak is commonly known as guijianchou. In the west of Xiangshan Park. The peak is steep and difficult to climb. You can have a panoramic view of Xiangshan at the top. In recent years, cable car cableway has been built to pull mountain climbing. Shuangqing villa is under Xiangshan temple in Xiangshan Park. There are two original springs here, which are said to be menggan spring in the reign of emperor Zhangzong of Jin Dynasty. Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty inscribed "Shuangqing" on the cliff beside the spring.
Xiong Xiling built a villa here in 1917, which was named after it. The villa is elegant and quiet, and the landscape, trees and stones are natural. There is a pool in Qingquan. There is a pavilion beside the pool, a house behind the pavilion and bamboo beside the house. The bamboo shadow is very beautiful. Here, we enjoy flowers in spring, summer, red leaves in autumn, snow in winter and beautiful scenery in four seasons. It is called Xiangshan garden. Glasses lake, in the north gate of Xiangshan Park. The two tranquil lakes are connected by a white stone arch bridge, which looks like glasses, hence the name. On the north side of the lake, there are mountains and rocks, and peaks rise. A hole above, flowing spring straight down, just like the Pearl curtain hanging water curtain hole. Mountain flowers and grass compete in the crevice of the gully and beside the stream, and ancient cypresses and pines, old locust trees and weeping willows meet to form a clear shade. Jianxinzhai is on the west side of the north gate of Xiangshan Park, adjacent to Jingjing lake. It was built in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. After several repairs, it is a courtyard with Jiangnan flavor.
Xiangshan courtyard center is a flat round pool, clear spring water from the stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. The pool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a small pavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of the pool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and the pines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, which makes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here and gave banquets to his officials.
Park and sit in maple forest at night, frost leaves are red in February flowers
Hello, tourists. Welcome to Beijing Xiangshan Park. I'm Xiao Zhang, the tour guide. Today's tour in Xiangshan will be served by me. Here, I hope you can enjoy the elegant maple leaves of Xiangshan and the beauty of classical garden culture, but also bring you a happy mood and good memories. Now let's start our tour today. Xiangshan Mountain is located at the east foot of Xishan Mountain in the northwest suburb of Beijing. The mountain is covered with Cotinus coggygria trees and turns purple after frost. Chen Yi's poem "the red leaves in Xishan are good, the frost is heavy, the color is thicker", which refers to the leaves of Cotinus coggygria. During the frost season, Xiangshan has tens of thousands of acres of sloping land, which is as red as fire. From a distance, it is thought that it is a piece of petals, but from a closer look, it is clear that it is a piece of oval leaves. Xiangshan is the best place to enjoy the red leaves. It is located in the pavilion of senyuhu peak. From the pavilion, you can see far away from the mountain and near the slope. It is bright red, pink, scarlet and peach. It has distinct layers, like red clouds, and full of interest. It has become a famous autumn resort in northern China.
There are two huge stones at the top of Xiangshan Mountain, called Rufeng stone. Its shape is similar to the "incense burner", and there are often clouds around it, such as the curl of cigarettes in the air, from which Xiangshan gets its name. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery, scenic spots all over the country, beautiful scenery, rich in natural and wild interest. In autumn, the Yellow Cotinus coggygria has changed its clothes and become popular all over the mountains. This is called "Xiangshan Hongye", which is one of the eight scenic spots in Yanjing. The scenery of Xiangshan Mountain in winter is also very charming. When the snow is clear in the early winter, a piece of silver make-up is wrapped in plain clothes, which is particularly enchanting. One of the eight sceneries in the old Yanjing, the "clear snow on the West Mountain" refers to here. Xiangshan temple, in Xiangshan Park, toad peak north. Built in the 26th year of Jin Dading (1186), Jin Shizong granted the name of dayong'an temple, one of the 28 sceneries of "Jingyi garden". Later, it was burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eight countries. Only stone steps, stone pillars, stone screens and other remains remain. Only the temple's "tingfasong" still stands. Xianglu peak is commonly known as guijianchou. In the west of Xiangshan Park. The peak is steep and difficult to climb. You can have a panoramic view of Xiangshan at the top. In recent years, cable car cableway has been built to pull mountain climbing. Shuangqing villa is under Xiangshan temple in Xiangshan Park. There are two original springs here, which are said to be menggan spring in the reign of emperor Zhangzong of Jin Dynasty. Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty inscribed "Shuangqing" on the cliff beside the spring. Xiong Xiling built a villa here in 1917, which was named after it. The villa is elegant and quiet, and the landscape, trees and stones are natural. There is a pool in Qingquan. There is a pavilion beside the pool, a house behind the pavilion and bamboo beside the house. The bamboo shadow is very beautiful. In this place, you can enjoy flowers in spring, summer, red leaves in autumn, snow in winter, and beautiful scenery in four seasons. It is called "garden in garden" in Xiangshan. Glasses lake, in the north gate of Xiangshan Park. The two tranquil lakes are connected by a white stone arch bridge, which looks like glasses, hence the name. On the north side of the lake, there are mountains and rocks, and peaks rise. A hole above, flowing spring straight down, just like the Pearl curtain hanging water curtain hole. Mountain flowers and grass compete in the crevice of the gully and beside the stream, and ancient cypresses and pines, old locust trees and weeping willows meet to form a clear shade. Jianxinzhai is on the west side of the north gate of Xiangshan Park, adjacent to Jingjing lake. It was built in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. After several repairs, it is a courtyard with Jiangnan flavor.
Xiangshan courtyard center is a flat round pool, clear spring water from the stone dragon into the mouth, summer new Lotus Ting Li, goldfish play. The pool is surrounded by three corridors in the East, South and North, with a small pavilion extending into the pool. There are three pavilions in the west of the pool, that is, the heart room. After zhaihou, the mountains are rugged and the pines and cypresses are green. The whole courtyard is quiet and elegant, which makes people forget to return. At that time, Emperor Qianlong studied here and gave banquets to his officials.
Xiangshan Park has a long history and many cultural relics. As early as 1186, the human landscape appeared. Xiangshan temple was once the highest temple in the west of Beijing. Xiangshan has beautiful scenery all the year round. If we compare the western suburbs of Beijing to the "back garden" of Beijing's modern metropolis. Then, Xiangshan Park, which has a long history, has become the Green Valley "oxygen bar" in the western suburbs of Beijing with its natural landscape of "brilliant mountain flowers in spring, refreshing and pleasant summer, red leaves floating in late autumn and silver makeup in winter". There are many trees in the park, with a forest coverage rate of 96%. There are more than 5800 ancient and famous trees alone, accounting for a quarter of the urban area of Beijing. The park has unique resources of "mountains, famous springs, ancient trees and red leaves". Xiangshan red leaf is well-known at home and abroad. In 1986, it was rated as one of the "Sixteen sights of new Beijing" and became the most beautiful landscape in the capital in autumn. Every late autumn, tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists gather in Xiangshan to enjoy the autumn scenery.
Time flies. Today our tour is coming to an end. I believe you must lead the way to Danfeng brilliant brocade make-up, to fight with the spring flowers, eye-catching red leaf beauty. Thank you for your support. I wish every day in the future can be as happy as today, like the red leaves in full swing! Looking forward to our next goodbye!
Dear guests
hello everyone!
Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciating maple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich cultural heritage.
There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyun temple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; the only existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhao temple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaint courtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the first place where the great man of the century Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China lived and worked in Peiping; here is the temporary residence of the great man of the Century Sun Yat Sen's coffin, the King Kong throne tower of Biyun temple, the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall of Biyun temple and the Sun Yat Sen's tomb.
Xiangshan Park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, covering an area of more than 180 hectares. It is a royal garden with a long history, rich cultural heritage and mountain forest characteristics. As early as 1186, the human landscape appeared in Xiangshan. Xiangshan temple was once the highest temple in the west of Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong built 28 Jingyi gardens. Xiangshan and Jingyi gardens are one of the famous "three mountains and five gardens" in western Beijing. In 1860 and 1900, Xiangshan and jingyiyuan were burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eight countries. After 1949, most of the scenic spots have been restored.
Xiangshan Park has steep terrain, emerald peaks and lush springs. Xianglu peak, the main peak, is 557 meters above sea level. There are more than 260000 trees in the park, including more than 5800 ancient and famous trees, accounting for about a quarter of the urban area of Beijing, and the forest coverage rate is as high as 98%. In recent years, it has been determined by relevant departments as one of the areas with the highest negative oxygen ion in Beijing. In the park, people live in harmony with nature, birds sing and insects sing, squirrels play in the gully forest. Here, flowers are blooming in spring, cool and pleasant in summer, and plain silver makeup in winter. In particular, Xiangshan red leaf is most famous. Every frost autumn, all over the mountain, like a raging fire, magnificent incomparable. During the period of Ci poetry, the number of visitors doubled, and it was once rated as one of the "16 new sceneries of Beijing".
Xiangshan Park has complete tourism service facilities. Up the mountain, you can take the large hanging chair type sightseeing cableway h, with a total length of 1400 meters and a drop of 431 meters). Songlin restaurant and Xiangshan villa are ideal places for sightseeing, vacation and leisure. Living here, you can walk to the botanical garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Botanical Garden and Wofo temple. A few kilometers to the East is the famous summer palace. To the south, there are Badachu Park and other tourist attractions.
Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciating maple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich cultural heritage.
There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyun temple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; the only existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhao temple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaint courtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the first place where the great man of the century Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China lived and worked in Peiping; here is the temporary residence of the great man of the Century Sun Yat Sen's coffin, the King Kong throne tower of Biyun temple, the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall of Biyun temple and the Sun Yat Sen's tomb.
Xiangshan Park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, covering an area of more than 180 hectares. It is a royal garden with a long history, rich cultural heritage and mountain forest characteristics. As early as 1186, the human landscape appeared in Xiangshan. Xiangshan temple was once the highest temple in the west of Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong built 28 Jingyi gardens. Xiangshan and Jingyi gardens are one of the famous "three mountains and five gardens" in western Beijing. In 1860 and 1900, Xiangshan and jingyiyuan were burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eight countries. After 1949, most of the scenic spots have been restored.
Xiangshan Park has steep terrain, emerald peaks and lush springs. Xianglu peak, the main peak, is 557 meters above sea level. There are more than 260000 trees in the park, including more than 5800 ancient and famous trees, accounting for about a quarter of the urban area of Beijing, and the forest coverage rate is as high as 98%. In recent years, it has been determined by relevant departments as one of the areas with the highest negative oxygen ion in Beijing. In the park, people live in harmony with nature, birds sing and insects sing, squirrels play in the gully forest. Here, flowers are blooming in spring, cool and pleasant in summer, and plain silver makeup in winter. In particular, Xiangshan red leaf is most famous. Every frost autumn, all over the mountain, like a raging fire, magnificent incomparable. During the period of Ci poetry, the number of visitors doubled, and it was once rated as one of the "16 new sceneries of Beijing".
Xiangshan Park has complete tourism service facilities. Up the mountain, you can take the large hanging chair type sightseeing cableway h, with a total length of 1400 meters and a drop of 431 meters). Songlin restaurant and Xiangshan villa are ideal places for sightseeing, vacation and leisure. Living here, you can walk to the botanical garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Botanical Garden and Wofo temple. A few kilometers to the East is the famous summer palace. To the south, there are Badachu Park and other tourist attractions.
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