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1. 提高用户体验


2. 提高页面浏览量


3. 增加网站粘性




1. YARPP(Yet Another Related Posts Plugin)


2. Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts是另一个流行的相关文章插件,它可以自动查找并显示与当前文章相似的其他文章。它支持多种自定义设置,比如文章数量、显示排除的文章、缩略图等等。

3. Related Posts for WordPress

Related Posts for WordPress是一个轻量级的相关文章插件,它可以自动为你的文章查找相关内容。它支持自定义文章数量、缩略图大小、显示相关文章的标准等等。


在WordPress上使用相关文章插件可以进一步优化你的网站,提高用户体验和页面浏览量。只需几分钟配置,就可以让你的访客更好地浏览你网站上的文章,并留在你的网站上更长时间。我们建议使用YARPP、Contextual Related Posts或Related Posts for WordPress这三个插件,它们是WordPress上最好的相关文章插件之一。

Related Article Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is a very popular blogging and website platform around the world because it is easy to use and set up. However, if you want to further optimize your WordPress website, make it more professional and optimized, you need to use related article plugins to provide more content and improve user experience.

What are Related Article Plugins?

Related article plugins are a WordPress plugin that can help you link other content on your website with articles. If you insert related articles in your article, other articles in the same theme or category will be displayed at the bottom of the page, making it easier for visitors to discover more articles related to the same topic on your website.

Why Use Related Article Plugins?

1. Improve User Experience

When you insert related articles in your article, it means that you are providing more useful resources for readers. This will encourage them to stay on your website longer because they can easily discover more interested articles through simple clicking on links. This helps improve user satisfaction and retention rate.

2. Increase Page Views

Related article plugins can not only improve user experience but also increase page views. When you insert other article links at the end of the article, your readers may want to know more about the related information of this topic. This will lead to more pages viewing on your website, thereby increasing your page views.

3. Increase Website Stickiness

As internet competition becomes more intense, it is very important to keep readers’ stickiness to your website. Related article plugins can help you improve your website stickiness, making it easier for your readers to stay on your website and improve their interaction and participation with your website.

Which Related Article Plugins are the Best?

There are many excellent related article plugins on WordPress, and here we will introduce some of the best plugins:

1. YARPP (Yet Another Related Posts Plugin)

YARPP is a very popular related article plugin that can automatically search for all related articles on your website and display them at the bottom of the current article. It can determine which articles are related based on a variety of factors such as article titles, content, tags, and categories. In addition, you can also customize the number and style of displayed articles.

2. Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts is another popular related article plugin that can automatically find and display other articles that are similar to the current article. It supports various custom settings such as the number of articles, display excluded articles, thumbnail size, and so on.

3. Related Posts for WordPress

Related Posts for WordPress is a lightweight related article plugin that can automatically find related content for your article. It supports custom settings such as the number of articles, thumbnail size, display criteria for related articles, etc.


Using related article plugins on WordPress can further optimize your website, improve user experience, and increase page views. With just a few minutes of configuration, you can make it easier for your visitors to browse articles on your website and stay on your website for longer. We recommend using YARPP, Contextual Related Posts, or Related Posts for WordPress, these three plugins are one of the best related article plugins on WordPress.

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本文地址: https://solustack.com/73084.html



